Page 101 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 101

the United States and a Freemason, is displayed. Washington is depicted as having taken his place
               in the heavens among the gods.

               The Apotheosis of Washington

               Note the stars on the right and the left, and the characters reclining upon the clouds of the heavens.
               George Washington’s arms are in a pose similar to that of Baphomet with one pointing up and
               another down. Directly below the ceiling of the U.S. Capitol building, a statue once reposed of
               Washington in a mirror image of the painting above.

               What is displayed here is a Masonic theme. It is also a Satanic theme, for Freemasonry is guided by
               the fallen angel whom Christ declared to be “the god of this world,” “the dragon,” and “Satan.” Due
               to the prevalence of Freemasons in positions of authority in the U.S. government and NASA, we find
               Satanic themes and Masonic rites and symbols incorporated throughout all their works.
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