Page 99 - Living Epistles
P. 99

the Word and preparing the subject on which I expected to speak in the
               various lodging-houses on the morrow. I waited perhaps a little longer than
               usual. At last about ten o'clock, there being. no interruption of any kind, I put
               on my overcoat and was preparing to leave for home, rather thankful to
               know that by that time I should have to let myself in with the latchkey, as my
               landlady  retired  early.  There  was  certainly  no  help  for  that  night.  But
               perhaps God would interpose for me by Monday, and I might be able to pay
               my landlady early in the week the money I would have given her before had
               it been possible.

               "Just as I was about to turn down the gas, I heard the doctor's step in the
               garden that lay between the dwelling-house and Surgery. He was laughing
               to himself very heartily, as though greatly amused. Entering the Surgery he
               asked for the ledger, and told me that, strange to say, one of his richest
               patients had just come to pay his doctor's bill. Was it not an odd thing to do?

               It never struck me that it might have any bearing on my own case, or I might
               have  felt  embarrassed.  But  looking  at  it  simply  from  the  position  of  an
               uninterested  spectator,  I  also  was  highly  amused  that  a  man  rolling  in
               wealth should come after ten o'clock at night to pay a bill which he could any
               day have met by a check with the greatest ease. It appeared that somehow
               or other he could not rest with this on his mind, and had been constrained to
               come at that unusual hour to discharge his liability.

               "The account was duly receipted in the ledger, and Dr. Hardey was about to
               leave, when suddenly he turned and handing me some of the banknotes just
               received, said to my surprise and thankfulness

               "'By the way, Taylor, you might as well take these notes. I have no change,
               but can give you the balance next week.'

               "Again I was left, my feelings undiscovered, to go back to my little closet and
               praise the Lord with a joyful heart that after all I might go to China. To me
               this  incident  was  not  a  trivial  one;  and  to  recall  it  sometimes,  in
               circumstances of great difficulty, in China or elsewhere, has proved no small
               comfort and strength."

               Joseph’s Comments: I find this testimony very fitting for the hour in which
               we live. The Spirit is indicating that an hour is at hand when life as it is now
               known  in  America  and  many  Western  nations  will  be  changed  forever.
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