Page 88 - Living Epistles
P. 88

accommodation he had to seek quarters elsewhere...

               "After much thought and prayer, I was led to leave the comfortable home
               and pleasant circle in which I resided, and engage a little lodging in the
               suburbs, a sitting-room and bedroom in one, undertaking to board myself.
               I was thus enabled to tithe the whole of my income; and while one felt the
               change a good deal, it was attended with no small blessing. More time was
               given in my solitude to the study of the Word of God, to visiting the poor and
               to evangelistic work on Sunday evenings than would otherwise have been the
               case. Brought into contact in this way with many who were in distress, I
               soon saw the privilege of still further economizing, and found it possible to
               give away much more than I had at first intended."

               It all reads so simply and naturally that one can hardly imagine any special
               sacrifice  to  have  been  involved.  Let  us  hunt  up  this  "  sitting-room  and
               bedroom  in  one,"  however,  and  find  out  what  were  in  actual  fact  the
               surroundings for which he had given up his home on Kingston Square. The
               change could scarcely have been more complete.
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