Page 67 - Living Epistles
P. 67

Once a year George Muller would publish an account of God’s faithfulness. He
               would include testimonies of the daily struggles they faced, the prayers that
               were uttered, and the specific answers that were received. In this way he was
               able to strengthen and encourage the faith of millions of Christians worldwide.

               Beginning in 1845 Mr. Muller was led of the Spirit to build orphan houses, as
               the number being admitted was increasing and it was causing some discontent
               among the neighbors where they were living. Forty years after the start of the
               orphan  ministry the Lord had  provided the means for  a number of large
               homes to be built that would eventually hold as many as 2,000 orphans. The
               needs continually increased as the work expanded, and God continued to meet
               every need.

               Number 3 Orphan House on Ashley Down, Bristol England.
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