Page 53 - Living Epistles
P. 53

extremity would be God’s opportunity. We had to change trains at Llanelly
               Station, about twenty miles from our home, and wait there a couple hours; so
               without letting anyone know, we only booked as far as that.”

               “There were many people at our home station wishing us all the good things,
               but what we needed was money to go to London! Many also came as far as
               Llanelly, singing all the way. The thought that came to me was, ‘I’d sing better
               if I had the money!’”

               “We went out to breakfast with some friends at Llanelly, and then walked back
               to the station still not delivered; and now the time for the train had come. The
               Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘If you had money, what would you do?’ ‘Take my
               place in the queue at the booking office,’ I said. ‘Well, are you not preaching
               that My promises are equal to current coin? You had better take your place in
               the queue.’ So there was nothing I could do except obey.”

               “There were about a dozen people before me. There they were passing by the
               booking office one by one. The devil kept telling me, ‘Now you only have a few
               people in front of you, and when your turn comes, you will have to walk
               through. You have preached about Moses with the Red Sea in front and the
               Egyptians behind, but now you are the one who is shut in.’ ‘Yes, shut in,’ I
               answered, ‘but like Moses, I’ll be gloriously led out!’”

               “When there were only two people before me, a man stepped out of the crowd
               and said, ‘I’m sorry I can’t wait any longer, but I must open my shop.’ He said
               good-bye and put thirty shillings in my hand! It was most glorious, and only
               a foretaste of what the Lord would do in Africa, if we would obey. After I had
               the tickets, the people who came with us to the train began to give gifts to us,
               but the Lord had held them back until we had been tested. We were singing
               all the way to London!”

               On their arrival, Mr. Head asked them to breakfast the nest morning. He then
               told them he had 50 pounds for them, but he didn’t post it. “Thank God you
               didn’t,” said Mr. Howells, adding to himself, “I wouldn’t have been without the
               test in the queue for anything.”

               They had all their outfit except three things: a watch, a fountain pen, and a
               raincoat  each.  They  had  never  mentioned  these  things  to  anyone,  but  at
               breakfast Mr. Head asked, “What kind of watches have you?” and told them
               that his son, Alfred, wanted to give them a watch each. He then asked, “Have
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