Page 50 - Living Epistles
P. 50

resources are always sufficient. But see how the church has distorted things
               in this hour. They seek to lay claim to God’s abundance, but they would spend
               according to their own soul. One must be fully submitted to the leadership of
               the Spirit of Christ, then whenever we ask anything “according to His will” we
               will have our petition.]

               The first week his need was for 2 pounds, and he was able to tell the Lord in
               his prayer that he would not have come to Him if he had it himself.

               “I was only asking the Lord to do what I would have done if I had the money;
               and it was for His work. It came, and what joy I had in finding that I had
               finished with the limited resources of man and had begun on the unlimited
               resources of God! The promises of God had replaced money in the bank and
               became equal to current coin to me. I no longer had to carry my treasure with
               me wherever I went because I knew where the Treasury was, and how to reach


               Called Out From Wage Earning

               It is hard to realize that throughout these three years of intense conflict and
               many triumphs of the Spirit, Rees Howells was working daily at one of the
               hardest jobs a man can do - down the mine, cutting coal. His was no sheltered,
               monastic life, but a walk of the Spirit right in the world, though never of it...

               But now there came a further call, which was to loosen him yet more from his
               old moorings. Rees was out on his favorite Black Mountain, where the silent
               spaces were so often the gate of heaven to him, and the Lord spoke to him.
               “For seven hours a day you are earning two shillings an hour,” He said, “but
               you need not work for an earthly master any longer. Would you like to come
               out and give those seven hours a day to work for Me?”

               Rees was standing on a small wooden bridge across a little stream, and the
               Lord asked him, “Will you give your word to Me that you won’t look to another
               person to keep you? If so, put up your hand and repeat, ‘I shall not take from
               a thread to a shoe latchet from any person, unless the Lord tells me.’”

               Just as Abraham made that stand when he refused the spoils of war that were
               justly his, lest men should say his prosperity came from natural sources, so
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