Page 48 - Living Epistles
P. 48

the people. As their clothes were different from his, he was to dress more
               plainly so as to attract no attention to himself...

               “If you are the first sufferer, don’t have a thing these people can’t have,” the
               Lord said to him. Nearly everyone in the village was in need, and the Spirit
               reminded him of the Sermon on the Mount: “Give to him that asketh thee.”
               “Whoever is in need has a claim on you,” He said. “You have given Me all you
               have, and I tell you that it is all for the people, and they have as much right to
               it as you have.”

               The greatest break came when the Lord laid hold of the ringleader among the
               drunkards. For a long time Mr. Howells prayed for him and asked for a chance
               to get at him. This man could see the love of God expressed toward others, but
               he had not yet experienced it himself. The opportunity came.

               There was some trouble outside the village. This man was involved and it was
               to be a court case. The Lord then said to Rees Howells, “Now is your chance.
               Offer to settle the case for him.” So he called at the man’s home and asked
               him, “Would you be relieved if this case could be settled out of court? If the
               other people are willing to accept compensation, would you like me to pay it
               for you?”

               The man was speechless. “He was every inch a man,” observed Mr. Howelss.
               “Mere words could never reach him, but when he saw the love of God like that,
               he was touched on a vital spot and broke down. He confessed that he had been
               to blame, and started to come to the meetings, and his love for one could be

               Mr. Howells was earning his weekly wage at the colliery and also had some
               other savings, but at this rate he saw that his money would soon be finished.
               It was then that the Spirit showed him both a commandment and a promise.
               To the rich young man the Savior had given a command, “Sell all that thou
               hast and distribute unto the poor... and come, follow Me.” And to those who
               did so follow He had promised, “There is no man that hath left house, or
               brethren, or lands, for my sake and the gospel’s, but that he shall receive an
               hundredfold now in this time.”

               Rees saw that if he gave one pound, the Savior said he was to get one hundred.
               Could this be true? If it was, he would surely look forward to the day when he
               would come to his extremity. But was it true? That was what captured his
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