Page 46 - Living Epistles
P. 46

from the fire. As they were running they were crying, "Lord, what is this?"
               They just ran and ran. Eventually they were exhausted. They ran for a long
               time for safety. When they had run far enough away from the fire, they came
               to safety. They were totally exhausted and lost their strength to run.

               They fell down on the grass and they started to weep and this man was on his
               knees and going, "Lord, here is my family running and we, Lord, are in such
               a desperate need Lord. What is this Lord? What is this happening to me?
               Lord, where am I?" And Lord said to him, "My son, this is Kitai!" He came to
               China. So the Lord deported him from prison into China by a fire.

               This man and his wife started to praise the Lord. They rejoiced and thanked
               the Lord and the Lord then told them where to go. So they went and they
               found that group which had already arrived. Those four groups that came to
               the very same town. They joined it and praised the Lord for His guidance and

               So these simple people who believed and trusted the Lord and His leadership
               never saw the starvation in the Ukraine. They never saw the persecution and
               the trials. They never saw their children being taken away. They never saw
               Siberia and all those things which happened to Russia.

               It was a drastic, terrible time in Russia from 1933 on. Many millions of people
               died. The Lord saved them from the great war and the second world war which
               took twenty million people from Russia and the Ukraine. That's a big number.
               Six million died in the Ukraine from starvation in 1933.

               Whatever the Lord promised them, everything came to pass. He delivered
               them from their country, from starvation and from those troubles which the
               Lord promised, even from the war.
               [End Excerpt]
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