Page 45 - Living Epistles
P. 45

border of China. And here is a disappointment.

               He came close to the border, by the direction of the Lord. The Russian border,
               at that time, was already heavily guarded by German  shepherd dogs and
               constant checking of the guard on horses. So it was already the iron curtain at
               that time. It was really controlled because the KGB did not want their people
               to leave. It was very strictly checked.

               When they saw this strange sight, a man with a family traveling in direction
               of China, naturally it was a very suspicious sight. So they caught him. They
               confiscated his cow. They took his cart away and they made him a prisoner.

               They caught some other people also who were appearing very suspicious to
               them. They made them cut dry grass along the border for hay for their horses.
               So this brother was weeping at prayer at night. "Lord what is this? You told me
               you will lead me to safety Lord. You'll lead me to Kitai and here I am. I lost my
               house, Lord. I lost everything there. I left as you told me, Lord. Here now I lost
               my cow, Lord. I lost my horse-cart. I have nothing left Lord! What is going

               And Lord was comforting him saying, "My son, cheer up and don't worry, I'll
               take you yet to Kitai. Just trust me. I'll take you to Kitai yet."

               He was a prisoner! So they put this family and the families right by the border
               in the tents as a temporary dwelling place and the men were made to work
               with scythes, cutting the dry hay. He was working and he was praying. His
               personal relative told me this story in details. I forgot most of it.

               Then one day, all of a sudden, fire breaks out on the grass site. A big fire broke
               out and then the wind was starting to blow. The dry hay started to burn very
               quickly. It moved towards the tents but it was quite a little distance yet. The
               border guards started to panic and they started to run for their life giving
               different orders and stuff.

               The people dropped their scythes and they ran to their tents for their families.
               They wanted to run for safety and the wind was increasing with force. It was
               moving very fast on them and the fire was coming at them. The grass was
               burning and everybody started to run for their life with their children.

               So this brother grabbed his wife and children and they were running away
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