Page 44 - Living Epistles
P. 44

happened? The horses were there. Everything was there. Lights on in the
               house, but no man, and no family. They were amazed! So they waited for
               morning. They saw tracks leaving the gate and they saw the direction in which
               he left. They harnessed his horses and they made a big chase along that main
               road. Of course they were chasing for a long time, but with no result, because
               the Lord had sent him on a side road.

               That man was traveling to the village which the Lord sent him to. The Lord
               promised that man that He will take him to Kitai, which is China. But of
               course he hardly had any education. He had no beautiful road maps like
               people here have. He had no signs of so many kilometers to such and such a
               town. He had nothing! So he had to totally depend upon the Lord. All he knew
               was the name of the next village. He was praying all the time. They prayed at
               night as it was summer time.

               They were traveling on the cow. They pastured the cow, and they milked the
               cow.  They  used  the  milk  to  make  porridge  from  the  millet  and  feed  the
               children. They praised God. If they traveled on horses, they couldn't have
               milked horses. But they milked the cow.

               So the Lord uses the simple, the uneducated, the most unwise of this world to
               confound the wise and the prudent. The Lord put the KGB to shame by simply
               letting this man out to security and safety in China on the cow.

               When he came to that next village, which wasn't very far, he prayed with his
               family. "Lord, Lord is this Kitai?" The Lord says, "My son Ivan, this is not Kitai
               yet. I'll take you to Kitai"

               The Lord tells him the next village, and he just moved on. The Lord tells him
               the next address and so on. Then he has to ask people, "Where is it that
               village? Where is the road?" He has no map. Russia had no maps in those
               days, so he would ask people, "Where is that village?" and they'd point him to
               the road and so he happened to be moving south without knowing where he

               Like Abraham, did he know the address? Did Abraham know where he went?
               My Bible says Abraham left his country and he didn't know where he went.

               So, this brother was just traveling on and before he knew it, it was the end of
               summer. It took him all summer to travel from the middle of Russia to the
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