Page 17 - Living Epistles
P. 17
Upon my return to Foochow, the wife of the co-worker who received the five
dollars said to me, "I have the feeling that when you left you did not have
enough money yourself. Why did you suddenly give five dollars to my
husband?" I then asked her what had occurred in connection with the five
dollars, and she replied, "We had only one dollar left in the house on
Wednesday, and that had been spent by Friday. On Friday we prayed all day.
Afterwards my husband felt that he should go for a walk, and then he met you,
and you gave him five dollars. The five dollars lasted us through five days;
then God provided for us from another source." At this point she continued
with tears, "If you had not given us the five dollars on that day, we would have
suffered hunger. It does not matter that we suffer hunger, but what about
God's promise?" Her testimony filled me with joy. The Lord had worked
through me to supply their need with the five dollars. The Word of the Lord
is indeed faithful: "Give, and it will be given to you."
This is the lesson I have learned in my life. I have now experienced that the
less money I have in my hand, the more God will give. This is a difficult path
to follow. Many people may feel that they are able to live the life of faith; but
when the trial comes, they are in fear. Unless you can believe in the real and
living God, I do not advise you to take this path. I can bear testimony today
that God is the One who gives. To be sustained by means of ravens as Elijah
was at his time is still possible today. I am going to mention something to you
which you may find difficult to believe. It has been my experience that God's
supply arrives when I have spent my last dollar.
I have had fourteen years of experience. In each experience God wanted to get
the glory for Himself. God has supplied all my needs and has not failed me
once. Those who used to give do not do so now. There is a constant change of
offerers; one lot of people replaces another. All this does not matter, for God
in the highest is a living God. He never changes! I say this today for your
benefit. I must say this that you may go straight forward in the path of living
a life of faith. There are ten to twenty more cases like these that I have already
related to you...
Looking to God for Sustenance for the Publication Work
Some people would never enter a meeting place to listen to the gospel. For this
reason, in 1922 I began printing gospel tracts. The gospel must be delivered
to them. After writing the tracts, I began praying and asking for provision for
the printing and distribution expenses. God said to me, "If you wish Me to