Page 111 - Living Epistles
P. 111

centers, while amounting to thousands of dollars, were almost all designated
               for individual missionaries, and could not be drawn upon. About fifty pounds
               given to Mr. Taylor for his own use he felt free to pass on, but "beyond this"
               he said quite frankly, "I can promise you nothing. You will have to look to the
               Lord for supplies, as we do in England and in China."

               "I confess," was Mr. Frost's very natural recollection," that Mr. Taylor's
               words did not at first suggest an inviting prospect. To move my family and
               belongings, to take a home in a strange city, to invite a large number of
               candidates into that home, to supply their needs and our own and to carry
               on  the  work  of  the  Mission  with  little  more  than  two  hundred  and  fifty
               dollars  was  certainly  not  a  promising  arrangement  from  an  earthly
               standpoint. But recent experiences  had given me to understand that there
               was a factor in the case not to be left out, and which being reckoned upon
               altered the proposition. That factor was the Lord Himself. Two hundred and
               fifty dollars was anything but a large sum with which to begin such an
               undertaking; but two hundred. and fifty dollars with the Lord was all that
               we could need. Thus, so far as finances were concerned, I soon felt prepared
               to accept Mr. Taylor's offer."

               There are many in this hour who have been dwelling in their paneled and
               ceiled houses who are hearing the call to follow Christ into circumstances
               where they will daily have to look to Yahweh for their provision. There is often
               nothing than “a still, small voice that guides them.” Yet weighing all things,
               and  having  waited  upon  the  Father  to  be  sure  that  they  have  discerned
               between the voice of their own soul, and the voice of the Spirit, many are
               accepting the challenges and finding the Father faithful.

               He has not promised us that there would not be sacrifices, or material loss, or
               even seasons of poverty and hunger. But He will never abandon His people,
               or forsake them. There is truly a fellowship in joining Christ in His sufferings.

               The following excerpt from Rick Joyner’s book The Call is here presented as
               a fitting conclusion to this series of writings. It is written as Christ speaking
               to His people.

               “Those who come to Me now, fighting through all the forces of the world that
               rebel against Me, come because they have the true love of God. They want to
               be with Me so much that even when it all seems unreal, even when I seem like
               a vague dream to them, they will risk all for the hope that the dream is real.
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