Page 108 - Living Epistles
P. 108

"We might indeed have had a guarantee fund if we had wished it; but we felt
               it was unneeded and would do harm. Money wrongly placed, and money
               given from wrong motives are both to be greatly dreaded. We can afford to
               have  as little as the Lord chooses to give, but we  cannot afford to have
               unconsecrated money, or to have money placed in the wrong position. Far
               better have no money at all, even to buy food with; for there are plenty of
               ravens in China, and the Lord could send them again with bread and flesh...”

               "Our Father is a very experienced One. He knows very well that His children
               wake  up  with  a  good  appetite  every  morning,  and  He  always  provides
               breakfast for them, and does not send them supperless to bed at night. 'Thy
               bread shall be given thee, and thy water shall be sure.' He sustained three
               million Israelites in the wilderness for forty years. We do not expect He will
               send three million missionaries to China ; but if He did, He would have ample
               means to sustain them all. Let us see that we keep God before our eyes; that
               we walk in His ways and seek to please and glorify Him in everything, great
               and small. Depend upon it, GOD's work done in GOD'S way will never lack
               GOD's Supplies."

               It was men and women of faith, therefore, who were needed for the Inland
               Mission, prepared to depend on God alone, satisfied with poverty should He
               deem it best, and confident that His Word cannot be broken.

               There is great wisdom in these words, and it is little wonder that the China
               Inland Mission met with much greater success in leading others to faith in
               Christ  that  those  missionary  organizations  that  operated  along  man’s
               principles, seeking to shield themselves from trials and distresses. It is also
               not  surprising  that  the  China  Inland  Mission  found  itself  accused  of
               recklessness, irresponsibility and folly by those denominational groups that
               always kept suitable money in reserve, and insurance policies and lines of
               credit  for  emergencies.  The  flesh  of  man  finds  it  a  terrifying  thing  to  be
               vulnerable before the world. Yet peace is attained by the one who makes God
               his refuge and looks to the bank of heaven to supply His needs.

               One such family who were willing to embrace the life of faith faced their own
               tests as God brought them to cast all upon Him. We read of their experience
               in the following words.

               In the little town of Attica two other hearts had been learning similar lessons,
               hearts united in an equally deep bond of love. Circumstances had changed a
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