Page 107 - Living Epistles
P. 107

of God, we do not hesitate to ask the great Lord of the Harvest to call forth,
               to thrust forth twenty-four European and twenty-four native evangelists, to
               plant the standard of the Cross in the eleven unevangelized provinces of
               China proper and in Chinese Tartary. To those who have never been called
               to  prove  the  faithfulness  of  the  Covenant-keeping  God  in  supplying,  in
               answer to prayer alone, the every need of His servants, it might seem a
               hazardous experiment to send twenty-four European evangelists to a distant
               heathen land, "with only God to look to"; but in one whose privilege it has
               been through many years to put that God to the test in varied circumstances,
               at home and abroad, by land and sea, in sickness and health, in dangers, in
               necessities and at the gates of death, such apprehensions would be wholly
               inexcusable. "The writer has seen God, in answer to prayer, quell the raging
               of the storm," Mr. Taylor continued, "alter the direction of the wind and give
               rain in  the midst of prolonged drought. He has seen Him, in  answer  to
               prayer, stay the angry passions and murderous intentions of violent men,
               and bring the machinations of His people's foes to nought. He has seen Him,
               in answer to prayer, raise the dying from the bed of death, when human aid
               was  vain;  has  seen  Him  preserve  from  the  pestilence  that  walketh  in
               darkness, and from the destruction that wasteth at noon-day. For more than
               eight years and a half he has proved the faithfulness of God in supplying his
               own  temporal  wants  and  the  needs  of  the  work  in  which  he  has  been

               Instance  after  instance  is  given  from  Mr.  Taylor's  experience  of  direct,
               unmistakable answers to prayer, and the deduction drawn is that with such
               a God it is safe and wise to go forward in the pathway of obedience-is indeed
               the only safe and wise thing to do.

               Remarking on the operation of the China Inland Mission and the type of men
               and women it needed, he wrote:

               "That Word had said, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,
               and all these things (food and raiment) shall be added unto you.' If any one
               did not believe that God spoke the truth, it would be better for him not to go
               to  China  to  propagate  the  faith.  If  he  did  believe  it,  surely  the  promise
               sufficed.  Again,  'No  good  thing  will  He  withhold  from  them  that  walk
               uprightly.' If any one did not mean to walk uprightly, he had better stay at
               home; if he did mean to walk uprightly, he had all he needed in the shape of
               a guarantee fund. God owns all the gold and silver in the world, and the
               cattle on a thousand hills. We need not be vegetarians.”
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