Page 106 - Living Epistles
P. 106

I have observed the Father’s hand of protection in similar ways among those
               I have lived with. A couple years ago an elderly gentleman opened his home
               up to me that I might stay with him whenever I was in town. He and his
               grandson had been reading many of the writings I had written, and I had also
               shared with them numerous biographical books of saints who had walked in

               This gentleman has a very nice piece of property outside of town. He has 24
               acres of land, a fishing pond and many trees on the property. It is a very idyllic
               setting. From time to time people were given permission to fish in his pond,
               and he even allowed some local churches and the rescue mission from the
               nearby town to bring groups out to fish.

               The thought arose that it might be prudent to take out an insurance policy to
               protect  this  man  and  his  property  against  loss  from  destruction,  or  from
               someone being injured and filing suit against him. As he was considering this
               the man’s grandson suggested to him that this was a test from God to see if He
               would trust Him or look to man for his security. After careful consideration
               and prayer the man chose not to purchase the insurance, but to leave the
               matter in God’s hands.

               Some months afterwards a tremendous storm came through the area. It was
               on Mother’s Day, and there were numerous tornadoes in the area. There were
               many trees and buildings damaged. On the road he lived on trees toppled and
               telephone poles were snapped all along the way. I went out afterwards and saw
               that the road was closed due to the damage all around, but as I walked across
               this gentleman’s property I did not see any evidence of damage.

               II Timothy 1:12
               I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that
               He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

               The  many  trials  that  Hudson  Taylor  faced  in  earlier  days  served  to  lay  a
               foundation upon which his trust in God could rest. As the cares of the ministry
               increased, he was able to remember the trials he had already been carried
               through,  looking  to  God  with  hope  and  expectation  of  continued  care,
               protection and provision. He wrote:

               Feeling, on the one hand, the solemn responsibility that rests upon us, and on
               the other the gracious encouragements that everywhere meet us in the Word
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