Page 97 - Laying Down the Law
P. 97

The reason this path is the least traveled is that it is by far the most costly to the
              soul of man. A man must take up his cross daily and follow Christ if he is to walk this
              path. It is a path where the soul’s desires must be laid upon the altar. The soul itself
              is  subjected  to  crushing,  for  the  path  God  would  lead  His  sons  down  is  one  of
              suffering and loss in this world.

                      Philippians 1:29
                      For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him,
                      but also to suffer for His sake...

                    The firstborn Son of God was perfected by suffering, and by a similar path must
              all the sons of God be brought to spiritual maturity. No man needs to go seeking a way
              to suffer for Christ. All that is required is that they surrender to be led of the Spirit in
              all things. Yahweh has an afflicted path perfectly designed for every son and daughter
              whom He receives.

                      Matthew 7:13-14
                      "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads
                      to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate
                      and afflicted is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

                    The above words of Christ contain one of the themes Yahweh directed me to
              share  with  His  people  as  I  traveled  across  the  country  this  past  year.  Many
              translations render the last verse “narrow is the way which leads to life.” This is an
              entirely different word from that of the first sentence where we read “Enter by the
              narrow gate.” A literal and more accurate translation of the words of Christ would
              declare that the gate is narrow and the way is afflicted that leads to life. Because
              Yahweh will ALWAYS lead His saints down an afflicted path when they yield to be led
              of His Spirit, most eschew this way.
                    It  is  far  easier  to  adopt  a  moral  code  than  to  surrender  one’s  entire  life  to
              another. Your dreams, your plans, your possessions, your very life must be given over
              into the hands of God if you are to follow the path that Yahshua walked. This is why
              Yahshua testified that a man must hate even his own life (psuche - soul) to be His
              disciple (Luke 14:26).
                    Though the way be exceedingly difficult, it is the only path that leads to life. Only
              by surrendering our lives to Yahweh to be lived according to His desire and will; only
              by embracing a Spirit-led life, may the saints find themselves being led into those
              experiences necessary for their perfecting as sons.
                    As we saw in previous chapters, the Law was given to the people of God in their
              immaturity. The Spirit will lead the people of God to their adoption as sons and to an
              inheritance imperishable in the heavens. There is a prize set before the body of Christ.
              Only a few will attain to it. The saying is true that “Many are called, but few are
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