Page 90 - Laying Down the Law
P. 90

have wrestled with these statements of the apostle John. Observing transgression in
              their lives, they question whether they have truly been born of God. Others deny the
              things John has stated are true. They say these things are for a future day, but are not
              the present experience of those who are Christians.
                    People of God, John is stating accurately the present truth of every person who
              has been born of God, born of the seed of Christ. This is to be our present experience,
              but it must be entered into by faith. By faith we must put off the old man, and put on
              the new.

                      Ephesians 4:20-24
                      But you have not so learned Christ... that you put off, concerning your former
                      conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and
                      be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which
                      was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

                    That work accomplished by Christ on our behalf must be entered into by faith.
              We must reckon our deliverance from sin to be complete, and walk in the knowledge
              of our union with Christ.

                      Romans 6:11
                      Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God
                      in Christ Yahshua our Lord.

                    The  covenant  delivered  through  Moses  had  to  be  fulfilled  by  works.  The
              covenant delivered through Christ is fulfilled by faith. We must believe those things
              God has done for us through Christ.

                      •      We have been set free from sin.
                      •      Sin no longer holds us bound.
                      •      We have died to sin.
                      •      We have become the righteousness of God in Christ.
                      •      We are a new creation.
                      •      The Spirit of Christ dwells in us.
                      •      We have passed from death into life.
                      •      Whereas  we  were  formerly  slaves  to  sin,  we  are  now  slaves  to

                    All these things are true of those who are partakers of the life of Christ. To the
              degree we reckon them to be true, we will find that they become our experience.
                    Embracing the Law of Moses will hinder you from entering into this overcoming
              experience of life in Christ. The Law treats men as if they are slaves to sin. It seeks to
              restrain them. The life of Christ needs no restraint. Even as Christ ever lived to do the
              will and pleasure of His Father, so too do all those who are born of His seed. Our great
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