Page 77 - Laying Down the Law
P. 77

I Corinthians 5:7
                      For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.

                    Fifty days later Pentecost found its fulfillment when the Holy Spirit descended
              upon the 120 gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem. The only feast remaining to
              be fulfilled is Tabernacles. Tabernacles represents God and man dwelling together in
              fulness. This only occurs when a man has laid aside his earthly dwelling and receives
              a glorified body. This is symbolized at the feast, for men are required to build booths
              outside their homes and to dwell in them during the feast of tabernacles. They exit
              one dwelling place to enter another.
                    During the Millennial period, those saints who attained to the first resurrection
              will have entered into the substance of Tabernacles. However, the nations they are
              ruling over will not yet have entered in. The next resurrection does not occur until the
              thousand years is up (Revelation 20:5). Yahweh, wanting to foreshadow that which
              is to come, will require the nations to observe the feast annually until the substance
              has come.
                    It is error to conclude from this passage in Zechariah, that Christians are to
              continue to observe the Law. The apostles gave no instruction regarding such things.
              Indeed, Paul wrote that new moons, sabbaths, feast days and laws pertaining to
              food and drink were given to God’s people as shadows to point them to the substance
              that is found in Christ.
                    Consider for a moment that the apostles’ behavior reveals that they were not
              bound to the observance of the Law. Although Paul continued to observe the feasts
              on occasion, he did not do so out of obligation. We have the record of his missionary
              journeys. Some of these journeys lasted for years. We have detailed accounts of his
              whereabouts. Paul did not leave the mission field to which God had sent him to travel
              to Jerusalem three times a year to keep the feasts. If he believed that Christians were
              under obligation to keep the Law, then he surely would have made the journey.
                    People of God, what I am declaring  is  that the Law  was  temporal. Yahweh
              provided a special environment for a season in which it could be observed. This
              environment no longer exists.
                    Some  Christians  have  adopted  what  is  termed  by  some  as  “replacement
              theology.” They believe that Christians, who are the spiritual seed of Abraham, have
              replaced the natural seed of Abraham. Therefore the covenant of the Law, and the
              priesthood now belong to them. The Bible clearly refutes such a view.
                    The Law of Moses was served by the Levitical priesthood. It is great error to
              suggest that Christians have taken up this priesthood. The Law, and by extension the
              Levitical Priesthood, could make nothing perfect. We have examined this carefully in
              earlier chapters. Therefore, it was necessary to put away that which is imperfect and
              to usher in something better. Christ was not, and is not, a Levitical priest. Yahshua
              was from the tribe of Judah, not Levi.
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