Page 72 - Laying Down the Law
P. 72

Neither in life, nor in death, could Moses enter into the land of promise, that
              land flowing with milk and honey. The Law cannot take men into their inheritance.
                    Why did Satan contend with Michael for the body of Moses? Moses was dead,
              and Michael was sent to bury him. Satan opposed this action. He still opposes it to
              this day. Although the Law’s power and rule over man ended when Christ was slain,
              Satan seeks to prop it up as a living thing to this day. There is no life to be found in
              the Law.

                      Galatians 3:21
                      For  if  there  had  been  a  law  given  which  was  able  to  impart  life,  truly
                      righteousness would have been by the law.

                    Satan, with much cunning and deceit wants to ever lead men away from the true
              source of life and bring them to focus on that which is dead. We must see ourselves
              joined to Christ and dead to the Law. The Law was a minister of condemnation and
              death. It slew all men. In Christ Yahshua we are made alive.

                      Romans 7:4
                      Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body
                      of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from
                      the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.

                    Let us look at one last detail of Moses’ death before passing on to other things.
              We read, “He buried him in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to this
              day no one knows where his grave is.”
                    In the Hebrew the word Beth means “House.” Peor means “open, gaping, or
              yawning.” Combined they mean “open house,” or “gaping house.” It speaks of a
              habitation that is open. The door is not shut.
                    Where did the Law come to its final resting place? Was it not in the person of
              Christ? Is this not what was signified when Moses placed the tablets of the Law in the
              golden Ark? The Son of God fully satisfied all the righteous requirements of the Law.
              Christ accepted the Law’s judgment of death for the sin of mankind. He was crucified,
              then laid in a tomb. The Law went there with Him.

                      Romans 10:4
                      For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

                    Christ is no longer in the tomb. The tomb is open, gaping, yawning. The earth
              could not hold Him. Death could not keep Him bound. He has risen. His death,
              burial, and resurrection marked a turning point in Yahweh’s dealings with His people.
              The Law was satisfied in the person of Christ and laid to rest. Christ then sent forth
              His Spirit that we might become partakers of the divine nature. Those who are in
              Christ  have  passed  from  servant  to  son,  from  childhood  to  maturity,  from  the
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