Page 70 - Laying Down the Law
P. 70

to this day no one knows where his grave is. Moses was a hundred and
                      twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength

                      Jude 1:9
                      But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil
                      about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander
                      but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

                    We can discern from the first verse that it was the Lord himself who buried the
              body of the Law and that was His intent. In the second verse, we are reminded that
              it seems the devil has an undue interest in the body of the Law and even disputed
              with Michael about it. I'm sure it is the devil's ongoing pursuit to revive the Law that
              the saints may be kept under bondage and never come to maturity. The devil knows
              that once the 'sons of God' are revealed that his time is short, so the longer he can
              keep the saints under bondage failing to come into maturity, the longer he can
              retain his rule as prince of this world. Nevertheless, we know that it will happen
              according to God's timetable and no one else’s, even though the devil tries in vain to
              change the times, or in this case to buy more time.
                    One other thing jumped out at me as well in the above verses. At the initiation
              of the law, you mentioned that 3,000 died, and at Pentecost (initiation of life in the
              Spirit) that 3,000 were saved. Likewise, at the death of the law, Moses was 120, and
              at Pentecost (renewal of covenant of promise) 120 were in the upper room. Just an
              observation, but like you said, Yahweh is a God of details and nothing is by chance!

                    Grace and Peace,
                    Brother Andrew Eberly

                    Andrew is correct in that Moses is the only person named to have been buried
              by Yahweh. Such an unusual occurrence certainly bears careful scrutiny. I will add
              some additional thoughts on this matter. In the Scripture Andrew cited we read,
              “Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not
              weak nor his strength gone.” What this signifies is that the Law never abated in
              its ability to show man his condition (his eyes were not weak). Additionally, the Law
              retained its strength to the end, having the power to put men to death (nor his
              strength gone).
                    It is certainly symbolic that Moses at the age of forty, sensing that he was called
              of  God,  slew  an  Egyptian.  The  Law  is  a  manslayer.  Its  ministry  is  one  of
              condemnation and death.

                      II Corinthians 3:9
                      For  if  the  ministry  of  condemnation  had  glory,  the  ministry  of
                      righteousness exceeds much more in glory.
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