Page 56 - Laying Down the Law
P. 56

renewed. It was the earlier covenant of promise.
                    When Yahweh cut covenant with Abraham, His plan was for the promise to tarry
              for many more centuries. Even as the promise of God tarried for Abraham in a natural
              sense, so too did it tarry in a spiritual sense. Isaac is a type and shadow of Yahshua.
              Isaac was named “laughter” for his appearing brought gladness and joy to the hearts
              of Sarah and Abraham in the same way that the appearance of Christ would bring
              gladness and joy to the world.
                    Yahweh had far greater things in mind than were to be realized in Isaac when He
              promised Abraham a seed. Isaac was not the true seed. Yahshua was that seed. God
              had committed Himself to undertake for Abraham to bring forth a righteous heir.
              Isaac was in bondage to sin, as was his father, but the long awaited Seed was not.
              Yahshua was tempted in all ways as we, yet without sin.
                    We find another spiritual parable in the life of Abraham. When the natural seed
              that  was  to  be  realized  in  Isaac  tarried,  Abraham  took  to  himself  another  wife.
              Abraham  was  already  married  to  Sarah,  and  he  took  to  himself  Hagar,  Sarah’s
              handmaid,  as  wife.  Marriage  represents  a  covenant  between  two  parties.  This
              covenant is sealed when a man is intimate with a woman. Hagar would have been a
              virgin when she was given to Abraham, therefore a blood covenant was cut when
              Abraham had relations with her.
                    It is necessary to understand that Hagar was Abraham’s wife by covenant in
              order to perceive those things which follow.

                      Genesis 16:3-4
                      Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and
                      gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt
                      ten years in the land of Canaan. So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived.

                    Thus we see that Abraham has now entered into two covenants. The first was
              with Sarah. The second with Hagar. When the fruit of the first covenant tarried to
              appear, a second covenant was entered into. In the same way, Abraham’s descendants
              entered into two covenants. The second covenant the descendants of Abraham could
              not keep. They violated it repeatedly.

                      Hebrews 8:9
                      They did not continue in My covenant...

                    Even so, Abraham did not keep his covenant with Hagar. Though she was his
              wife  and  had  bore  him  a  son,  Abraham  sent  her  away  without  inheritance  or
              provision. This was to fulfill the types and shadows of the Law. When the promised
              Seed came according to the more ancient covenant, the covenant of the Law was put
              away. The Law was never intended to remain forever. It was given only until the
              promised Seed should come.
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