Page 54 - Laying Down the Law
P. 54


                 n the preceding chapters I have set forth a panoramic view of Yahweh’s plan to
              Ibring forth mature spiritual sons and daughters. I have labored to show the place
              of the Law in God’s plan of the ages. Man was not created sinful, nor did Yahweh
              intend for man to remain perpetually enslaved to sin. The Law would not always be
              needed to serve as a restraint upon carnal people. Yahweh has determined to have
              sons and daughters who share His divine nature.
                    A great leap forward in the divine plan occurred when Christ sent forth His
              Spirit to indwell man. Yahshua declared to His disciples:

                      John 16:7-8
                      “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will
                      not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has
                      come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”

                    One cannot put too much emphasis on the words, “It is to your advantage...” The
              Greek word translated into English as “advantage” is “sumphero.” It is derived from
              two root words that mean “to gather together, as if to collect.” What Christ was
              expressing  to  His  disciples  is  that  they  would  reap  an  increase;  they  would  be
              abundantly supplied; they would be greatly enlarged and improved in every way,
              when Christ sent forth the Holy Spirit unto them.
                    What man has gained through receiving the Holy Spirit is beyond measure.
              Those who were dead in their trespasses and sins, were made alive. Those who were
              formless (lacking the image of God) and void (lacking the indwelling Spirit of God)
              were fashioned into a new creation.

                      II Corinthians 5:17
                      Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed
                      away; behold, all things have become new.

                    It was truly a vain work for any man to attempt to arrive at Yahweh’s desire to
              have offspring in His image through works of the flesh. The flesh profits nothing. The
              best we can do in our own strength is unacceptable in the eyes of the Father. Our
              attempts to arrive at the promises of God are mirrored in the life of Abraham.
                    Abraham earnestly desired a son in his image, one who sprang from his own
              loins. When Abraham was unable to acquire such a son through his wife Sarah, he
              went into his wife’s handmaid Hagar in an attempt to produce that which his soul
              greatly desired. Ishmael was the fruit of this fleshly work, and Yahweh had no regard
              for him. God has given us this testimony from Abraham’s life to reveal important
              matters pertaining to the Law.
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