Page 53 - Laying Down the Law
P. 53

Romans 7:4-6
                      Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the
                      body of Christ, that you may be married to another - to Him who was raised
                      from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God... Now we have been delivered
                      from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in
                      the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

                    We were delivered (redeemed, led out) from the Law. We have been joined to
              Christ by His Spirit which was sent to indwell us. We are now to serve in newness of
              the Spirit, for it alone can lead us to maturity in Christ.
                    It offends the religious mind to suggest that those who are in Christ are no
              longer under the Law. Why is this so? Partly because many who were making a good
              showing  under  the  Law  must  admit  that  under  the  Law  they  are  no  more than
              spiritual children. A focus on the Law cannot bring any to perfection (maturity). Even
              the  best  who  are  under  the  guardianship  of  the  Law  have  not  progressed  past
              childhood. It is galling to the natural man to admit that we are yet babes when those
              around us have considered us mature spiritual men.
                    To lay aside the Law as the measure of their spirituality, many men and women
              will lose their PLACE in the same way that the Jewish religious leaders feared. Service
              as Levitical Priests focused upon the Law does not qualify men for service as priests
              of a new order.
                    What a very difficult task it is to lead people out of the old order and into the
              new. Only the humble will be able to make the transition. Those who are unwilling to
              release the honor they have attained as “law-keepers” and “Torah Observers” will not
              be able to enter the new order.
                    Consider the experience encountered by those who pass from one level of school
              to another in the public school systems of America. One might attain a place of
              respect, popularity and honor in elementary school, but passing on to Middle School
              they have to begin all over. Similarly those passing from Middle School to High
              School fall from the top of the ranks to the entry levels. One can be a BMOC (Big Man
              on Campus) in their senior year of High School, but passing on to the university level
              they find that they are once more considered an “underclassman,” a “pleb.”
                    How hard it is for those who have embraced the Law to depart from it to begin
              anew. Having mastered the roles of childhood, they are reluctant to pass on to higher
              things where they must begin at the lowest levels once more. The way to advancement
              with Christ is always the path of humility. The more humble a man or woman is, the
              further they will advance in the kingdom of God.
                    Oh the depths of the wisdom of God. He has so designed things that a man must
              manifest His character to make any advancement. Knowledge alone will not suffice.
              A good showing in the flesh is not enough. We must ever sink lower to be exalted. We
              must admit we are children in order to pass on to maturity.
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