Page 48 - Laying Down the Law
P. 48

Surrendering to be led of the Spirit is a frightening prospect to the soul of man.
              The Law permits men to maintain a degree of control over their lives. They may give
              to God a tithe of their time and money, but the rest is at their own disposal. Not so for
              those who walk after the pattern of Christ. They must go wherever the Spirit leads and
              do whatever the Spirit commands. Their lives are not their own. There will certainly
              be many experiences the Spirit leads them to that their soul would not have chosen.
                    In Gethsemane Christ stated, “My soul is crushed as unto death.” It was the
              Spirit, not the Law, that directed Yahshua to Gethsemane and the cross of Calvary. All
              who surrender to be led of the Spirit will be led to a cross. It is the ONLY pathway to
              the perfection Yahweh desires for His sons. Christ was perfected through suffering,
              and so too must we be perfected. This is why Christ told the rich young ruler, “If you
              would be perfect, take up your cross and follow Me.”
                    As Christ was led of the Spirit, so too must be His disciples. As He took up His
              cross at the direction of the Spirit of God, so too must we. Clinging to the Law, men
              are able to make a good showing in the flesh while avoiding the suffering of the cross.
              This may seem like a good bargain in this age, but in the age to come there will be
              weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth among all who have fallen short of the perfect
              will of the Father.
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