Page 41 - Laying Down the Law
P. 41

In each telling of this encounter, the writer reveals that Christ told the young
              man who had kept the Law that he still was lacking. Christ said, “IF YOU WANT TO
              BE  PERFECT”  there  is  something  further  you  must  do.  The  word  translated  as
              “perfect”  here  is  the  Greek  word  “teleios.”  It  means,  “perfect,  entire,  lacking  in
              nothing.” To become “teleios” Christ told the young man that he must go beyond the
              Law, and “take up the cross and follow Me.”
                    How does one follow Christ? They receive the Spirit of Christ and surrender to
              be guided by it in all things in the same way that Yahshua did. The Spirit will lead all
              men to a cross. Those who are guided by the Law are able to make a good showing in
              the flesh while avoiding the cross.
                    Those of you who read this writing, I declare to you that if you cling to the Law
              as your guide for living, you will be able to make a good showing in the flesh. Men will
              applaud  you  for  your  righteous  appearance,  but  you  will  fall  short  of  becoming
              “perfect, entire and lacking in nothing.” If you surrender to be led of the Spirit in all
              things, you too may be required to sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor.”
                    Men will not applaud you for this. Family members will tell you that you are
              misguided. Religious people, and lovers of money, will tell you that you need to hold
              onto your possessions that the world might see that obedience to God results in
              prosperity. Yet, Christ, speaking through the inspiration of the Spirit of His Father
              revealed this to be the will of God for this young man. If he would be perfect, he must
              go beyond the Law to a life fully surrendered to the Spirit.
                    Christ declares that this is a cost that ALL disciples must accept. Everything you
              possess must be yielded to the Spirit to be used as He directs.
                    Consider now why the Law is so attractive to men and women today. Embracing
              the Law delivers them from suffering while permitting them to make a good showing
              in the flesh.
                    Those who are concerned that my teaching in this series will lead to lawlessness,
              now know the truth. It is an adherence to the Law that leads one away from full
              submission to the will of God and prevents men from coming to spiritual maturity.
                    I ask you to consider this matter in your own life. Is it not easier for you to give
              Yahweh  a  tithe  of  your  increase  than  to  submit  all  you  possess  to  Him  for  His
              disposal? Does it not strike fear into your heart to consider what a full surrender to
              the Spirit in this realm might result in?
                    If you have embraced the Law as your guide, you can console yourself with the
              thought that you have done well in giving to God a tithe. You can avoid asking God
              if He would have you to give everything. If this is your experience, the Law has
              severed you from the Spirit of Christ. The Law has usurped the role of the Spirit as
              Yahweh’s voice to disclose His full and perfect will to you.

                      Galatians 5:4
                      You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law...

                    Is not the fear of suffering a powerful motivator? Many, not discerning the
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