Page 39 - Laying Down the Law
P. 39
Yahshua saw the Father healing on the Sabbath. Therefore, He healed on the
Sabbath. This submission to the leading of the Spirit resulted in Christ’s persecution.
If Yahshua were directed by Law He could easily have waited and healed on the next
day and avoided persecution. Many Christians today who are directed by the Law, or
look to some Christian moral code as their source of direction in life, are continually
making similar decisions. They avoid persecution and suffering by living by a code of
conduct. They are freed from a life directed by the Spirit. The Christian’s mind
becomes that which directs them, choosing the best manner to apply the Law to their
People of God, let me state to you plainly, in order to be conformed to the image
of Christ you must live by the Spirit. The Spirit will ALWAYS lead the sons and
daughters of Yahweh to experiences where those around them will condemn them,
scorn them, and persecute them. The Spirit will ALWAYS direct the saints to an
afflicted path that leads to life, and few there are who find it.
I know of no greater deceit today among the people of God than that which
clings to the Law with passionate arguments of wanting to do the Father’s will.
Embracing the Law provides an excuse to avoid suffering while maintaining an
appearance of righteousness. It sunders the Christian from submission to the Spirit
of Christ with the result being that the disciple’s cross is avoided.
This is the reason that Satan works so tirelessly to sow confusion among the
body of Christ in relation to the role of the Law. Satan knows that the Law makes
nothing perfect, but life in the Spirit brings forth mature sons and daughters. Satan
does not want to see Christ fully formed in men, so he leads them away from the one
path that can produce saints who have attained to the fulness of the stature of Christ.
If one walks by the Spirit they must go wherever the Spirit leads them to go, and
do whatever the Spirit directs them to do. The same Spirit that led Yahshua to heal
on the Sabbath and to confront the sin and corruption of the Jewish religious system,
will lead disciples today to works and words that will result in their persecution.
Galatians 6:12
As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you
to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of
Do you perceive what Paul is stating here? The Law allows men and women to
make a good showing in the flesh while avoiding the persecution of the cross. Let me
give you an example to illustrate this.
The Law tells a man that he is to give the firstfruits of his increase to Yahweh. He
is free to do with the remainder whatever his soul desires as long as he does not
violate the righteousness found in the Law. This is a shadow of the will of God, but
not the full substance. The substance is realized in Christ.