Page 133 - Laying Down the Law
P. 133

truly are partakers of the Spirit of Christ will either walk in deception, thinking they
              are spiritual men and women when they are not, or they will lack the confidence
              needed to walk by the Spirit.
                    Once this issue is resolved, and a man perceives the Spirit of Christ within his
              being, he has gained entrance into a Spirit-led life. Satan has cheated multitudes out
              of their spiritual heritage. He comes to kill, steal and destroy. Through lies and
              deception,  Satan  has  robbed  many  Christians,  persuading  them  that  they  must
              continue to remain under the custodian of the Law. He would direct their attention
              outward to know the will of God, that he might divert their attention away from the
              riches of the life of Christ inside their members.
                    If you are a partaker of the Spirit of Christ, WALK BY THE SPIRIT. Settle for
              nothing less.
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