Page 130 - Laying Down the Law
P. 130

life of the Christian. Those who have received the Spirit are to be led by the Spirit.

                      Romans 8:14
                      For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

                    As noted previously, those who received the Law through Moses were referred
              to as “the children of Israel.” As children, they were placed under a schoolmaster,
              a tutor, and a guardian until the time appointed by the Father. That time arrived
              2,000 years ago when Yahshua was “born of a woman, born under the Law.” He came
              to lead men and women out of the immaturity of childhood into the maturity of sons.
              To accomplish this Yahshua sent forth His Spirit to indwell His disciples.
                    Those who have experienced Spirit birth are truly new creatures in Christ. They
              have  passed  beyond  being  “living  souls”  to  become  spiritual  men  and  women.
              Spiritual men and women have capabilities that are absent in those who have not
              been born again. They have been granted spiritual sight and hearing.

                      John 3:3
                      Yahshua answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one
                      is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

                    Christ is a spiritual man. Paul testified that as the “last Adam” Christ was “a life-
              giving spirit.” Yahshua could see the kingdom of His Father. He was able to observe
              what His Father was doing, and so too can all those who are born of the Spirit.

                      John 5:20
                      "For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is

                      John 16:13
                      “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will
                      not speak on his own initiative; he will speak only what he hears, and he will
                      tell you what is yet to come.”

                    What a vast improvement from the former method in which God guided His
              people! Rather than having a shadow of His will revealed through commandments
              written on stone, the sons of God have the Spirit of God dwelling in them.

                      II Corinthians 4:7
                      We have this treasure in earthen vessels...

                    Yahweh is now able to speak freely to mankind, and man can clearly discern the
              thoughts, will, and desire of their Creator and Father.
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