Page 129 - Laying Down the Law
P. 129

between soul and spirit. The reasons for this neglect are two-fold. On the one hand,
              a great many Christians have never been taught that resident within their being is a
              voice that renders judgments regarding good and evil. This voice does not originate
              with Yahweh. It is the byproduct of Adam eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge
              of good and evil. When faced with a decision, multitudes of Christians look inside
              themselves to discern what is the good path, and what is the evil path. They believe
              they have heard from God, not realizing that they have only consulted with their soul.
                    (What occurred when man ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden is
              discussed in detail in the book Sabbath. For a more thorough explanation of this
              matter, and how man gained an independent ability to determine right and wrong,
              I recommend this book.)
                    Secondly, the natural, soulish man desires to be in charge of his own life. Being
              led of the Spirit will always lead to a crucifixion of the flesh, and a death to the soul’s
              desires. Many avoid inquiring of the Spirit to know the Father’s will, for they do not
              want to die to self, or experience suffering.
                    Nevertheless, there is a small number, a mere remnant among the  body of
              Christ, who are desirous of being found pleasing to the Father despite the cost to self.
              The path the Father presents to them that they might become perfect is to take up
              their cross daily and follow Christ. They can only follow Christ by emulating His own
              manner of Spirit-directed living.
                    Step by step the Father has been bringing forth His desire to have sons in His
              image and likeness. At the appointed time He sent forth His firstborn Son, born of a
              virgin, that He might disclose to the world that which is well pleasing in His sight.
              Immediately after Yahshua was baptized by John at the Jordan River, a voice from
              heaven was heard declaring, “This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.”
              From that moment forward, anyone who wanted to know what was pleasing to the
              Father needed only to observe the Son.
                    Yahweh  is  not  satisfied  to  have  only  one  pleasing  Son.  He  desires  to  have
              myriads of them.

                      Romans 8:29
                      For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of
                      His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

                    It stands to reason that these sons must be Spirit led, for this was always the
              example of Christ.

                      Luke 4:1
                      Then Yahshua, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and
                      was led by the Spirit...

                    We observe in this the natural pattern of the Spirit descending upon Christ, and
              His subsequently being led about by the same Spirit. This pattern is duplicated in the
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