Page 128 - Laying Down the Law
P. 128

Walk By the Spirit

                   ver the course of many years, as I have taught on this subject, one common
              Oconcern I have heard expressed is that if Christians are not taught to keep the
              Law they will end up justifying unrighteous and selfish actions while saying the Spirit
              of Christ is  the source of their direction. There is  good reason  to be concerned.
              Indeed, I have heard saints justify all manner of selfish desires, including adultery,
              as they proclaimed the Holy Spirit was guiding them.
                    Such failures are serious, however, the Law offers no more of a safeguard against
              spiritual deception and willful sin than does the voice of the Spirit. When Christ came
              to this earth to fulfill His ministry, the people of God were intently focused upon the
              Law. The entire society centered around the teaching of the Law of Moses. The High
              Priest, the Levites, the Scribes and Pharisees, and legions of Lawyers were all engaged
              in making the requirements of the Law known to the people.
                    We  know  the  hypocrisy  of  those  who  professed  devotion  to  Yahweh  and
              allegiance to the Law of Moses. Christ stated:

                      Matthew 23:27-28
                      "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed
                      tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead
                      men's bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous
                      to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and LAWLESSNESS.”

                    There has rarely been a people with a greater focus upon the Law than the
              generation to which Christ appeared. Yet Christ judged them to be lawless. Rather
              than fulfilling the law of love by taking care of the weak and needy, they were robbing
              widows and neglecting orphans. Through their traditions and interpretations of the
              Law  they  made  the  neglect  of  aging  parents  seem  like  a  righteous  act.  Christ
              condemned them for justifying divorce through the decree of Moses when a wife had
              not committed adultery.
                    Such unrighteous actions are a manifestation of lawlessness. When men and
              women violate the will of God while defending their actions with the Law of God, they
              are lawless. In the same way, when men and women violate the will of God while
              claiming to have the approval and leading of the Holy Spirit, they too are lawless and
              will receive the penalty of their error.
                    For Christians who commit such deceptive or disobedient actions, the problem
              is not that the Spirit is unreliable, or inadequate, as a guide to know the will of the
              Father. There is no need to abandon a Spirit-led life, nor cause to return to the Law.
              Those whose hearts are set on obtaining their own desire will justify their actions in
              either case. Some do so willfully, others out of a lack of carefulness, or through
                    In the latter case, the point of failure is in not rightly dividing between soul and
              spirit. Most Christians have not exercised themselves to develop the ability to divide
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