Page 115 - Laying Down the Law
P. 115

ordained by God, mankind was joined to the One who could make men perfect.
                    Christ, in His person, is the perfect image of the Father. Because Yahshua is an
              “an exact representation of [God’s] nature,” He is able to show the Father’s nature
              fully, and perfectly to man. When Christ sent forth His Spirit to indwell man, the
              power to become perfect was given to men. The Spirit of Christ residing in man
              provides the power to accomplish God’s purpose.

                      Romans 8:11
                      But if the Spirit of Him who raised Yahshua from the dead dwells in you, He
                      who  raised  Christ  from  the  dead  will  also  give  life  to  your  mortal  bodies
                      through His Spirit who dwells in you.

                    Yahweh’s purpose is to have mature, perfected sons. His instrument to produce
              these sons is the Spirit of Christ. That which was weak and a mere shadow, has been
              replaced by that which is powerful and an exact representation of God’s nature.
                    In their infancy, the people of God were given a tutor and schoolmaster to guide
              them. The tutor was not capable of making men perfect. It could only guard men
              during their infancy until the time came to deliver them into the hands of the One
              who could make them perfect.

                      Galatians 4:4-5
                      But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a
                      woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under
                      the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

                    “The adoption as sons” is a reference to being judged as mature, having the
              character of the Father formed in the child. When the Father’s character is observed
              to be replicated in the child, the child is adopted. He rises from the rank of a child
              under tutors, to a son who is given authority and liberty.
                    Paul is declaring that “when the fulness of the time came,” for mature sons of
              Yahweh to be manifested, He sent forth His Son. Yahshua was “born of a woman,
              born under the Law” which signifies that He is the transitional point. He arose among
              those who were children, but He progressed onto maturity that He might lead others
              to  this  same  maturity.  Christ  had  to  learn  obedience  and  be  perfected  as  a  son
              (Hebrews 5:8). He grew up among a people who were disobedient and forever stuck
              in adolescence. Yahshua was the first to receive the commendation from Yahweh that
              He was a well pleasing son.

                      Matthew 3:17
                      And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in
                      whom I am well pleased."

                    Throughout the course of His ministry on earth Yahshua never did any work, or
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