Page 112 - Laying Down the Law
P. 112

Speaking specifically of foods, (see verse 13) Paul declares the following:

                      Romans 14:14-15
                      I  know  and  am  convinced  by  the  Lord  Yahshua  that  there  is
                      nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean,
                      to him it is unclean.

                      I Corinthians 8:8
                      But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if
                      we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat.

                    In these last words of Paul, we find an echo of the verse we looked at in the
              previous post. “Neither circumcision, nor uncircumcision availeth anything, but a
              new creation.” We are neither the worse if we do not eat (circumcision, keeping the
              Law), nor the better if we do eat (uncircumcision, free from the Law). As Yahshua
              declared, what enters the mouth does not defile the man. On the other hand, eating
              “holy” foods does not make the man righteous.
                    This chapter would not be complete unless I spoke of the role of the Spirit as it
              pertains to diet. If man is freed from the Law, but fails to come under the rule of the
              Spirit of Christ, he is lawless. The fact that God has given only the prohibition against
              eating blood to those who are in Christ, does not imply that man is to be self-directed
              in what he eats.
                    The very beginning of Christ’s ministry began with His Father, through the
              indwelling Spirit, giving His Son instructions relating to food consumption. The
              Father told His Son that He was to fast from all food for forty days. If Christ were led
              of the Law of Moses, He could have argued that Moses permitted a man to eat food
              daily. As long as clean foods were chosen, there was no necessity for Him to fast.
              Christ was not led by the Law, but by the Spirit. His Father revealed His will to be that
              Christ fast for forty days, so obedience required submission to this revelation.
                    As  sons  of  God,  we  too  will  find  the  Father  giving  us  specific  instructions
              regarding our diet. Sometimes He will lead us to fast. Other times He will direct us
              to avoid certain foods, or add certain foods to our diet. Some years ago when I was
              very much overweight, the Father instructed me to cut out the fats and sugars from
              my diet. The Law of Moses says nothing regarding sugar, but the Spirit is able to
              speak to us specifically, guiding each individual perfectly.
                    The Father has disciplined me much in the area of eating, for I had appetites that
              were unrestrained most of my life. I know that my Father has an interest in what I eat.
              He has an opinion in the matter, and I do well to seek to know His thoughts and to
              abide by them.
                    Just because the saint has no written code today to instruct him in what to eat,
              does not imply that Yahweh has no instruction to give in the matter. Our instruction
              comes from a different channel. We are instructed by the Spirit who was given to
              indwell us. The following principle is given to the body of Christ.
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