Page 110 - Laying Down the Law
P. 110

We see then that from Adam to Noah man ate only a diet of plant matter. From
              Noah to Moses, man ate plant matter and anything that moved. From Moses to
              Christ, the people of God ate that which the Law declared to be clean. From Christ
              until today, the people of God are instructed to not eat blood, but have no other law
              of prohibition.
                    The words of the elders and apostles are not Yahweh’s final instruction regarding
              diet. It will change again. The Scriptures declare that during the Millennial reign of
              Christ those animals that are carnivores will become herbivores.

                      Isaiah 11:6-7
                      "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb; the leopard shall lie down with the
                      young goat; the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little
                      child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young ones shall
                      lie down together; And the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

                    These words of the prophet Isaiah describe a return to the conditions of Eden.
              In Eden the animals were given every green herb for food. Man also was given every
              green herb, and every fruit tree, from which to eat. This will be the condition of the
              earth once more.
                    Can you imagine the arguments of the Torah devotee who makes it into the
              Millennial period? “What do you mean I can’t kill that cow and cook its flesh? Moses
              said I could do so. Why can’t I wring that chicken’s neck? Don’t you know the Law
              doesn’t  change.”  Although  such  a  hypothetical  argument  appears  silly,  it
              demonstrates the error of those who suppose that the Law is an eternal ordinance.
              Every work of God has a time and season allotted to it.

                      Ecclesiastes 3:1
                      To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven...

                    As we look back at the history of Yahweh’s dealings with man, we see that great
              changes occurred during the life of Noah. Further great alterations occurred during
              the life of Moses. Yet, the greatest change of all in the way Yahweh relates to man
              occurred during the earthly life of His Son. Seeing that Yahweh’s instructions to
              mankind were altered with Noah and Moses, it is no stretch to conceive of them
              changing once more with Christ.
                    While I have your attention turned to the Millennial period, let me share the
              following. The saints should not suppose that they can hasten on toward a more
              perfect and Edenic state by adopting a vegetarian diet now. Christ walked perfectly
              before the Father while on the earth, and He ate meat. Numerous times it is recorded
              that He ate fish, as well as feeding it to His disciples. He is even recorded as having
              eaten fish twice after His resurrection.
                    Those who choose to eat vegetables only are not prohibited from doing so, but
              their food choices are no more righteous than those of the man who chooses to eat
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