Page 108 - Laying Down the Law
P. 108

every clean animal that had been brought onto the ark. However, Yahweh made no
              distinction between clean and unclean when telling Noah what he could eat. Rather,
              the instruction is “If it moves, it can be eaten.”
                    This  dietary  instruction  was  in  force  from  Noah  to  Moses,  a  span  of
              approximately 800 years. For 430 years of this span, the descendants of Abraham
              were under the Noahide laws, for the Mosaic Law had not been given. Abraham’s
              descendants were permitted to eat pigs, and shellfish, and everything that moved on
              the earth. There was no prohibition given to them regarding these things UNTIL the
              Law was delivered to Moses. The Law came 430 years after Yahweh made a covenant
              of promise to Abraham, and 2,500 years after Adam.
                    Paul declared, “where there is no law there is no transgression.” Seeing that
              there was no law against eating certain types of meat UNTIL the Mosaic Law was
              given, those who ate unclean animals did not transgress.
                    Those who argue that “God changeth not,” therefore the laws He gives to men
              do not change, are failing to rightly divide the word of God. Do you perceive that prior
              to the flood it was a transgression of the will of God for a man to eat animal flesh?
              After the flood he could do so and not transgress. From Noah until Moses, man could
              eat anything that moved. A man could eat a hog from hoof to snout, including the fat.
              The only thing forbidden was the blood. There was no transgression.
                    Why is it so incredible then to conceive that the instructions (Torah) Yahweh
              gave to Moses were also for a limited duration? Yahweh intended for the Law of
              Moses to be in force UNTIL the promised Seed should come.

                      Galatians 3:19
                      Why  the  Law  then?  It  was  added  because  of  transgressions,  having  been
                      ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would
                      come to whom the promise had been made.

                    There was a period of 1,500 years from Moses to Christ (the Seed of God).
              During this time the people of God had many prohibitions relating to food. No longer
              could God’s people eat anything that moved. Now, they were limited to those land
              creatures that had a split hoof and chewed the cud. Pertaining to that which dwelt in
              the sea, the rivers and lakes, it was no longer everything that moved, but that which
              had fins and scales. Even the birds and the insects were divided into what could be
              eaten, and what could not.
                    Beyond  these  restrictions,  there  were  further  limits  placed  on  man’s
              consumption. Under the Mosaic Law man could not eat fat, not even fat found on
              animals declared to be clean. The fat and the blood were to be offered to Yahweh. It
              was forbidden to boil a kid in its mother’s milk. During the week of Passover, no
              leaven could be used in cooking.
                    The  regulations  found  in  the  Law  all  serve  as  parables.  In  each  one  some
              spiritual truth is being foreshadowed. Time does not permit me to write of what these
              dietary regulations signified.
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