Page 106 - Laying Down the Law
P. 106

When God Changed the Menu

                    The question often arises as to whether Christians are to observe the shadows
              of the Old Covenant. Should Christians keep the feasts of Yahweh? Should they rest
              on the Sabbath day? Is it the Father’s will for those in Christ to eat only those foods
              the Law of Moses declared to be clean? In this post, I want to look specifically at the
              dietary regulations contained in the Law of Moses.
                    There  are  entire  denominations,  such  as  Seventh  Day  Adventists,  and  The
              Worldwide Church of God, who proclaim that the dietary laws of the Old Testament
              are still in effect. Those who are Torah Observant make the dietary laws a key part of
              their instructions to the saints. What did Christ’s apostles’ teach? Is the body of Christ
              still subject to the dietary regulations found in the Law?
                    For those who have understood and received the things written thus far in this
              series, the answer should be obvious. The Law of Moses has no jurisdiction over those
              who are in Christ. By virtue of union with Christ, believers have died to the Law that
              they might be joined to another. There is a new priesthood, a new law, a new manner
              of living in the Spirit. “Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become
              new.” Shadows have given way to substance.

                      Colossians 2:16-17
                      Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink
                      or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are
                      a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

                    As we look at the entire counsel of Christ’s apostles, we find that observing the
              shadows relating to food, feast days, new moons, and Sabbaths is not required. On the
              other hand, observance of the shadows is not forbidden, or condemned. The counsel
              of the apostles is that every man should strive to maintain a pure conscience before
              God. All Christians should seek to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Christians
              have  varying  degrees  of  knowledge  of  the  mind  and  ways  of  God.  One  whose
              knowledge is mature may realize that nothing is unclean in itself, and all things can
              be eaten with thanksgiving. One who does not have this knowledge, believes he can
              only eat that which Moses permitted.
                    There are those who argue that since God is eternal, and He changes not, that
              His laws do not change. On the surface, this sounds reasonable. However, it does not
              stand up under scrutiny. The Bible is filled with examples of the unchanging God
              changing the manner in which He relates to men. Yahweh has frequently altered His
              instructions to mankind. We saw this in a previous chapter where we looked at
              Christ’s oft repeated phrase, “You have heard..., but I say...”
                    The arguments for the continuance of the dietary laws appeal to the natural
              man’s sense of justice, but they are not supported by Scriptures. If the argument were
              true that God’s instructions (Torah) to man do not change, for He Himself does not
              change, then we must find corroborating evidence of this declaration in the Bible.
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