Page 104 - Laying Down the Law
P. 104

This is how we receive the Spirit. We ask for it, believing our Father will give us
              His Spirit. Our Father knows we cannot live one day pleasing to Him apart from being
              born spiritually. If natural men will give their sons what they need for life, how much
              more will our heavenly Father do so?
                    Paul then asks, “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now
              being made perfect by the flesh?” Becoming perfect men, spiritual men, is the Father’s
              desire for us. This process toward spiritual perfection is begun when we receive that
              incorruptible  seed  of  the  Father.  We  cannot  work  for  it.  We  cannot  produce
              incorruptible seed on our own. We must simply believe that the Father desires to
              impart this seed to us, ask Him for it, and receive it.
                    Having done so, what folly it is to think that our progress toward spiritual
              maturity will be accomplished by any other method than the one by which we began.
              Even as we believed that God would give us His Spirit, we must now believe that He
              will daily give us all things we need to walk in godliness.

                      II Peter 1:3
                      His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness...

                    We must see ourselves as partakers of the divine nature, and believe that we can
              live a victorious life as a spiritual creation in the midst of a dark and sinful world. This
              overcoming life is lived out in the Spirit. We have our communion daily with the
              Father by the Spirit. We hear His voice, and believe that He has given us the power
              to obey all He asks of us.
                    To turn back to the Law as our instructor and guide is to turn away from the
              Spirit. The Law was the instructor of men who were spiritually dead. The Law too was
              dead. It was written on stone, not flesh. It had no ability to impart life. The Spirit is

                      II Corinthians 3:6
                      [It is He] Who has qualified us [making us to be fit and worthy and sufficient]
                      as ministers and dispensers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ],
                      not [ministers] of the letter (of legally written code) but of the Spirit; for the
                      code [of the Law] kills, but the [Holy] Spirit makes alive.
                      [Amplified Bible]

                    If we will set our focus upon the Spirit, listening to His voice, we will find
              ourselves led into the perfect will of God. Satan knows this to be true, and has waged
              unceasing warfare upon the saints. He has convinced multitudes that God no longer
              speaks to man. Such a conclusion is inconceivable to those who know the Father.
              What Father would cease speaking to His sons the moment they receive His Spirit?
              If Yahweh spoke to natural men in abundance in the days prior to the Spirit being
              given, it is unthinkable to believe that He will not speak to those who have received
              His Spirit.
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