Page 94 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 94
to not upset the orthodox views of the church, the scholars working in this translation were
not permitted to translate the Greek word aion as age. Instead, they erroneously interpreted
it to mean for ever, or eternal.
To this day we have many erroneous renderings of the Scriptures that have led
multitudes of Christians to false conclusions. Consider the difference in understanding the
church might have today if they were taught out of an accurate translation of the Bible.
Observe the difference in understanding that arises from the following two translations of
the same verse.
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh messenger did sound, and there came great voices in the heaven, saying,
'The kingdoms of the world did become [those] of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall
reign to the ages of the ages!'
Contrast this literal rendering with the words of the men who produced the King James
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The
kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he
shall reign for ever and ever.
In the Greek original it is recorded that Christ must reign to the "aions" of the "aions."
This cannot be for ever and ever, for the day will come when Christ shall hand over the
kingdom to the Father, and all rule will be abolished. It is a great tragedy that the church
has not understood the Scriptures, nor the power of God. They see this present age in which
a fraction of all mankind profess belief in God and in His Christ, and they believe this is the
consummation and end of Christ's work of reconciliation. They are convinced that all who
die separated from Christ and God must forever remain that way. What great error this is.
It leaves the majority ofthe creation forever separated from the Father, eternally tormented
in hell.
In this fallacious view of the church, Christ does not reconcile all things to the Father.
Yahshua does not fill all in all, and there is no end to Christ's rule where He hands over a
perfected creation to the Father.
Rulers are established for the purpose of punishing evildoers and rewarding the
righteous. This is what the apostle declared in the letter to the Romans.
Romans 13:3-5
For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no
fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a
minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear
the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one
who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath,
but also for conscience' sake.
These words accurately describe the function of Christ's rule. Christ is a minister of
God to you (and all creation) for good. He will both punish the wicked and reward the