Page 9 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 9
Do we not have a similar scenario today? There is a body of people, huge in number
that claim to be followers of Yahshua (Jesus). There is a religious system that is utilized
regularly. In place of synagogues there are church buildings on every street corner and at
every crossroads. This great body of believers also claims to be awaiting the return of their
With all of this teaching and religious structure in place, those who claimed to be
waiting for Messiah did not recognize the day of their visitation when He appeared 2,000
years ago. Yahshua was despised and rejected. Certainly the Jews and their leaders would
never have admitted to having a wrong understanding of Messiah and what His appearing
would be like, anymore than would those in Christianity today. Yet Yahshua asks whether
He will find faith on the Earth when He returns.
Incredibly, Yahshua describes the last days prior to His return, unto His disciples in
the following manner.
Matthew 24:10-13
"And at that time many will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one
another. And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many. And because
lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to
the end, he shall be saved."
Let us consider the sum of all of these testimonies that speak of the last days of the
church. Taken altogether we have the following witness.
Many will fall away; many will be misled; most people's love will grow cold; men
will be lovers of self, lovers of money; men will not endure sound doctrine; men will turn
aside to myths and fables; Yahshua will in no way return unless the apostasy occurs first;
will He find faith on the Earth?
Understanding the condition of the church prophesied for the hour preceding the
return of Christ should sober any sincere follower of Yahshua. I urge the reader to keep
these things in mind as you proceed to read the pages of this book.
Great deception has fallen upon the church in this hour. It was foretold over and over
that this would be the situation on the Earth prior to Yahshua's return. Do not be surprised
that so much that is written here is in contradiction to what is being preached in thousands
of pulpits throughout the world today. One should expect no less when the scriptures are
properly discerned and the descriptions of the days we live in are rightly perceived.
This book covers some extremely important subjects. I would not feel that my writing
was complete apart from setting forth the truths contained herein. It is my earnest
expectation that this present revision of this writing will help introduce a remnant of God's
people to a vision of Yahweh's plan of the ages that is hidden to the masses. May you be
blessed with peace and understanding as you read.