Page 78 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 78
Yahweh chose these three crops to reveal specific truths about those men who would
attain to each of the three resurrections. Before I address what is revealed through these
three types of plants, let us first establish the foundation upon which we can correctly
conclude that the Feasts were intended as symbols of the resurrections of man.
When Yahweh delivered the Law to Moses, He did so to provide mankind with types
and shadows that would give those with understanding insight into the hidden mysteries
of the Kingdom of God.
Colossians 2:16-17
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a
festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are a shadow of what is to come...
The word "festival" that Paul used here is a reference to the Feasts established by
Yahweh. The apostle says that these "are a shadow of what is to come." The Law with its
festival ordinances was given to Moses 1,500 years before Christ was born. It would be
about 2,000 more years before a group of firstfruits sons would pass through death into life
at the first resurrection. The hour is now close at hand. Those things that have been
foreshadowed from ancient times are soon to take place.
In the details of the Feasts of Yahweh we can discern much about the character and
timing of the three resurrections of man.
Deuteronomy 16:16
Three times in a year all your males shall appear before Yahweh your God in the place
which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) and at the Feast of Weeks
(Pentecost) and at the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles)...
Appearing before God is symbolic of resurrection. Men were required by Yahweh to
leave their dwelling places and journey to a place where they were to meet with Him. At
each feast the men were to bring with them the firstfruits of that which was being harvested
in that particular season.
Exodus 23:15
And none shall appear before Me empty-handed.
Each resurrection will be distinct in its character even as the three feasts, and the
crops associated with them, were different. God looks for fruit in the lives of men. Christ
told His disciples, "You shall know them by their fruit." Yahweh knows every man by his
fruit. He knows those who are the barley crop. He knows those who are wheat. He also
knows those who are grapes.
Passover, and by extension the first resurrection, is associated with the barley harvest.
Barley is an early ripening crop. It matures in the spring of the year, being spared the heat
and drought of the summer months. This is a parable. Those who attain to the first
resurrection come to maturity quicker than the rest of the body of Christ. Because they gave
themselves eagerly to pursue God's will for them of becoming like Christ, they will not have
to experience the heat of the lake of fire, even as barley doesn't have to go through the heat
of summer.
The Barley of Passover differs from the wheat of Pentecost in a very significant way.
Barley contains very little gluten, while wheat has an abundance of gluten. Gluten is the
component of grain that reacts with yeast to make the bread rise. Because barley lacks