Page 76 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 76
The Harvest Allegory
efore Yahweh ever began to form the creation, He had fully worked out the plan of the
Bages from the beginning to the end. Everything that exists, or will exist; every event that
has occurred, and is yet to transpire, was planned before the creation began.
Isaiah 14:24
Yahweh of hosts has sworn saying, "Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and
just as I have planned so it will stand..."
Yahweh will accomplish all His good pleasure. Knowing that Yahweh has perfect and
complete power to perform all His desire, and perceiving Him to be perfect in knowledge
and wisdom, we are able to agree with Scripture's testimony that everything in the creation
is accomplished according to a master plan that Yahweh established by His own counsel.
Ephesians 3:8-11
Unto me - the less than least of all saints, was given this favour, unto the nations, to
announce the glad-message of the untraceable riches of the Christ, and to bring to light
- what is the administration of the sacred secret which had been hidden away from the
ages in God, who did all things create: In order that now, unto the principalities and the
authorities in the heavenlies, might be made known, through means of the assembly, the
manifold wisdom of God, - according to a plan of the ages which he made in the anointed
Jesus our Lord.
(Rotherham's Emphasized Bible)
Those things God will do have been known from ancient times. Yahweh has set
testimonies in His creation, among the heavens, and on the earth, to proclaim His will.
Thousands of years ago Yahweh established a witness in the scriptures that He entrusted
to man. The Law and the prophets give testimony to Yahweh's plan of the ages. Our Father
has not neglected to provide a testimony of the resurrections of mankind. Even as plants
mature and crops are harvested on the Earth, the day will come when mankind will reach
maturity. The time of man's harvest will be at hand.
The Bible frequently uses a harvest allegory to show forth the resurrections of
mankind. Thecrops we grow arise from the dust of the earth even as man's flesh was
formed of thedust of the earth.
Genesis 2:7
And Yahweh God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living soul.
We have previously observed Christ's parable where He compares men to both wheat
and tares that are sown in a field and grow together. There are many more Scriptures that
compare men to various types of plants that arise from the dust of the earth. Following is
a small sampling of the great variety of Scriptures which employ this allegory.
John 12:24-25
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains
alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his
life in this world will keep it to life eternal."