Page 66 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 66

There is no entrance into that spiritual inheritance in Christ apart from passing
               through  death  first.  The  death  of  the  soul  precedes  our  entrance  into  the  fulness  of
               resurrection life even as the Israelites had to pass through the waters of the Jordan to enter
               the land flowing with milk and honey.
                     Yahweh reveals much through parables. The Law is full of arcane regulations in which
               few Christians today see any purpose or reason. Following is one seldom understood Law
               of God that bears much on this present subject.

                 Leviticus 12:2-5
                 "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying: ‘When a woman gives birth and bears a male child,
                 then she shall be unclean for seven days, as in the days of her menstruation she shall be
                 unclean. On the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. Then she shall
                 remain in the blood of her purification for thirty-three days; she shall not touch any
                 consecrated  thing,  nor  enter  the  sanctuary  until  the  days  of  her  purification  are
                 completed. But if she bears a female child, then she shall be unclean for two weeks, as in
                 her menstruation; and she shall remain in the blood of her purification for sixty-six days.'"

                     The woman who gave birth was judged to be "unclean" twice as long when she gave
               birth  to  a  female  child  as  when  she  gave  birth  to  a  male.  From  a  completely  natural
               perspective, such a judgment makes little sense. We must look to the spiritual truths
               signified in the Law to understand what is actually implied.
                     The soul of mankind is viewed as feminine. The apostle Paul in several places speaks
               of the Christian as being born of the "seed" of Christ. It is the female that receives the seed.
               As natural descendants of Adam, all men are dominated by the feminine soul, until they
               have Christ formed in them. The feminine soul must receive the seed of Christ in order for
               Christ to be manifest in our lives. Andrew Jukes, in his excellentbook The Restitution of All
               Things, writes:

                 "For the woman is our nature, which if it receive seed, that is the word of truth, may bring
                 forth a son, that is ‘the new man...' But if, instead of bearing this ‘new man,' our nature
                 only bear its like, a female child, that is fruits merely natural, then it is unclean for a
                 double period..."

                     Those Christians who protect the natural life, who remain soulish, will be judged as
               unclean in the eyes of Yahweh. Christ said "No man can be My disciple unless he hates...
               even his own soul." Those who in this life bring forth only the feminine, soulish nature will
               require a period of cleansing much greater than those who bring forth the masculine image
               of Christ.
                     The only way for Christ to be fully formed in any person is for them to yield to be led
               of God's Spirit. Whether you are male or female by natural birth, you become a "son" of God
               by submitting to the rule of the Spirit of Christ.

                 Romans 8:14
                 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

                     Those who receive the seed of Christ and yield their lives to the Spirit, subsequently
               progressing  to  have  "the  new  man"  Christ  formed  within  them,  will  remain  in  their
               uncleanness  a  shorter  time  than  those  who  continue  to  walk  after  the  leading  of  the
               feminine soul. The first resurrection is for those who overcome the soul's rule in this age.
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