Page 64 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 64

considered the whole counsel of the Scriptures. That which Christ has purchased for men
               and given to them freely, must be "worked out" in each individual's life. This is what Paul
               declared when he said "Work out YOUR salvation with fear and trembling."
                     Christ presents to men both a gate that they must enter by, and a way that they must
               walk. A man must enter by the gate AND follow Christ down the afflicted path, or they will
               fail to arrive at life.

                 Matthew 7:13-14
                 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to
                 destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way
                 is afflicted (Greek "thlibo")  that leads to life, and there are few who find it."

                     Many of the popular English Bibles today translate the Greek word "thlibo" in this
               passage as "narrow," but that obscures Christ's meaning. This is a different word altogether
               from that used in the first part of this passage describing a "narrow" gate. The word used
               there is "stenos." Christ is describing two different things. Christ is the gate, or doorway by
               which all men must enter if they are to find resurrection life. There is no other name given
               under heaven by which men must be saved. Neither Mohammed, nor Buddha, not Krishna,
               nor the other thousands of gods named in this world will deliver men from sin and reconcile
               them to the Father. The gate is very narrow. Christ alone is the doorway to life.

                 John 10:7-9
                 So Yahshua said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All
                 who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the
                 door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved..."

                     These words of Christ are true, but they do not constitute His entire counsel and
               testimony. Christ declared that "the gate is small," but He also said, "the way is afflicted
               that leads to life, and few there are who find it." The goal is life; resurrection life in Christ.
               To obtain it all men must enter by the gate and walk the path appointed by God that leads
               to life. That path is afflicted. It is a path of suffering leading to the termination of the soul's
               rule over mankind. Man's soul has to be crushed. The cross must be embraced. Suffering
               must be endured in order for the self-life to lose its grip over man.
                     The  Bible  reveals  that  there  are  two  methods  by  which  the  salvation  Christ  has
               provided might find its"outworking" in our lives. We can surrender to follow Christ by
               taking  up  our  cross  now,  or  we  will  be  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire  which  will  similarly
               accomplish the work of bringing an end to the rule of the soul.

                 Matthew 10:28
                 "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him
                 who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell."

                     The  word  translated  here  as  "destroy"  is  not  speaking  of  annihilation.  It  is  not
               suggesting that men's souls will cease to be. Rather, it is a word denoting the subjugation
               of the soul in the same way that Christ intended when He said "He who would save his soul
               must LOSE it."

                 Matthew 16:25
                 "For whoever wishes to save his soul will lose (apollumi) it; but whoever loses (apollumi)
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