Page 60 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 60

David reveals in these words that man is not as merciful as Yahweh. The attitude of
               the elder brother to the prodigal has ever been present in the hearts of men. Is it any
               wonder that Christians today fall short of the mercy of God, proclaiming that those under
               God's wrath must endure eternal torments, never to be reconciled to Him. Nevertheless, the
               testimony of Scripture is certain. Yahweh will restore all things to Himself through Christ.
                     When we rightly divide the word of God we find that Yahshua's work of reconciliation
               does extend beyond the grave. Those in the tombs must hear His voice. Christ descended
               into Hell and preached to the captives held since the days of Noah. Yahshua is Lord of both
               the living and the dead.
                     Did not Christ call Lazarus forth from the grave? So too will He call out to many who
               have perished and been buried. Those in the grave will hear His voice. Before the reign of
               Christ is fulfilled all who are "under the earth" will join in confession and worship of God.
               Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Yahshua Christ is Lord; Lord of both the
               living and the dead.
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