Page 52 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 52

Lord of the Living and the Dead

                   key doctrine that the saint in Christ must understand and receive in order to grasp
               AYahweh's plan to restore all creation to Himself is that Christ's work of reconciliation
                   does not stop at the grave. A great many Christians have been taught, or have in some
               manner concluded, that when a person dies their fate is sealed for eternity. If an individual
               died separated from God, it is assumed that they must remain forever estranged from God.
               It is this belief that man has only one shot at being reconciled to God that forms the
               foundation for the grotesque doctrine of eternal damnation.
                     The prevailing teaching in the church today is that the majority of men and women
               from all ages, including the present time, are lost. They will die in their sins, never having
               come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Because the majority of mankind did not receive
               Christ while they were alive on the earth, it is taught that they must be cast into the lake of
               fire for eternity. Even after billions of years have passed, it is taught that these tormented
               souls will have no possibility of ever escaping from torment, or being reconciled to the
                     Such doctrines defame God, painting Him with an image of a severity so extreme that
               it beggars the imagination. The church teaches that Yahweh's wrath is greater than His love.
               How could it be otherwise if Yahweh will never relent of tormenting lost souls, even after
               they have endured punishments and suffering far in excess of the length of their earthly
               lives? According to the prevailing doctrine of the church, a person could spend a million
               lifetimes in Hell and not be any closer to being released, for it is taught that there is no
               opportunity for repentance or reconciliation beyond the grave.
                     Having been shown by the Spirit of Christ the error of the doctrine of eternal torment,
               I am bold enough to say that the god most Christians have envisioned in their minds is a
               cruel tyrant. This cruel tyrant in no way resembles the true and living God. Hell and the lake
               of fire do exist; There is punishment and suffering awaiting those who sin; Yahweh is to be
               feared, but He is not going to subject any part of His creation to eternal torments.
                     If you find such a statement hard to bear due to the persistent proclamation of a
               message of eternal torment, I encourage you to review again what has been presented thus
               far in this book. The goal of Christ's reign is to reconcile "all things" to the Father. Christ
               must reign until He fills all things; until He has subdued every enemy under His feet. This
               subjection is not merely that of a conquered foe where Christ stands with His foot upon the
               neck of the rebellious in heart. What the Bible declares is that a full reconciliation must take
               place, attended by repentance and confession of the righteousness and power of God.
                     Some in teaching on the subject of the universal reconciliation of all men do err by
               climbing out of one ditch only to be cast headlong into the ditch on the other side of the
               road. Some deny that there is any punishment of sinners after this life. Such a conclusion
               ignores  a  wealth  of  Scriptures  that  declare otherwise. When  one  considers the  whole
               counsel of the word of God, and have rightly divided it, they will perceive that Yahweh will
               indeed punish sinners. Many will be cast into the lake of fire. Yet, the wrath of God will
               come to an end when every man has repented. Yahweh takes no pleasure in punishing the
               wicked. What He finds pleasure in is a repentant heart.

                 Ezekiel 18:21-23
                 "But if the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all
                 My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die.
                 All his transgressions which he has committed will not be remembered against him;
                 because of his righteousness which he has practiced, he will live. Do I have any pleasure
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