Page 40 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 40
This principle of God attributing to the seed, the actions of the forefathers, is observed
very plainly in a passage from Paul's letter to the Hebrews.
Hebrews 7:9-10
And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was
still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.
Abraham paid tithes to Mechizedek when he returned from rescuing Lot from the
three kings who had invaded Sodom and taken Lot captive. Paul states that Levi also paid
tithes to Melchizedek, although Levi had not yet been born. Levi was three generations
removed from Abraham, being the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. What
Abraham did was imputed to Levi, for Levi was "in the loins of his father." In the same way,
all mankind was "in Adam" when Adam sinned. We were all "in Adam" when sin brought
forth death.
I Corinthians 15:22
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive.
Although we were only a seed, we were surely as much a part of Adam as an acorn is
a part of the oak tree from which it falls. We cannot argue that if we had been presented
with the same temptation in the Garden that we would have chosen differently. We were
in the Garden. We were "in Adam." As his seed we were in perfect agreement with this first
man, this root from which we all have descended. When Adam chose to disobey Yahweh,
we were there with him also choosing disobedience. When Adam submitted to the beast for
obedience, we were present with him.
A marvelous thing is revealed when we consider that we were also "in Adam" when
Yahweh covered him with a garment made from skins. Not only were all Christians "in
Adam," but all of mankind was "in Adam." When Yahweh made a covering for Adam and
his wife, He did not just do so for Adam (whose name means ‘man'), but He did so for all
those who were in Adam's loins.
We do not know the shape of the garment Yahweh fashioned for Adam, but we can
conclude that it most certainly covered Adam's loins. A man is considered naked when his
loins are uncovered. It is in the loins that the seed of man resides.Therefore, when Yahweh
provided a covering for Adam, He also covered Adam's seed. This garment of skin serves
as a parable of that covering God would later provide for the salvation of all mankind, which
is His Son Yahshua.
Galatians 3:27
For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
We are told that Yahweh made garments for Adam and his wife from the skins of
animals. Though we are not told what kind of animal it was, I would not be surprised to
learn that the garments were made from sheepskins, or goatskins. This covering that God
provided points to the sacrifice that would one day fully cover the sinful flesh of man and
remove mankind's nakedness before God. To make these garments blood had to be shed.
This points to the sacrifice of His Son.
What is present, but often missed in this account, is that in providing a covering for
Adam (man), God provided a covering for all those who would be born of man. No one was
left out in this act of mercy. All mankind was covered in Adam, and one day all men will be