Page 38 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 38
The Merciful Covering
appreciate the patience of those who are giving attention to this book. I realize that there
Iare many questions in the minds of the saints, and many Scriptures they would like to
have explained that appear to contradict those truths being shared. I have chosen to
present the message of the reconciliation of the creation back to the Father in a particular
order. I would first show forth through a wealth of Biblical sources the intent of Yahweh to
restore "all things" to Himself. After this truth has been well established, then the sincere
seeker of truth will be better enabled to consider the right interpretation and understanding
of the many Scriptures that have been employed by others to declare a contrary doctrine.
For some, what has already been shared is sufficient to convince them that "Christ
must reign until" He has "reconciled all things, whether in heaven or on earth, to the
Father." Once one sees this truth in Scripture, they are able to conclude that those difficult
Scriptures that give an appearance of teaching something contrary cannot in fact be denying
what is taught plainly in so many Bible passages. The child of God may rightly conclude that
there must exist a full and mature understanding of the Scriptures that removes all
contradiction and brings forth a harmony among what has formerly appeared discordant.
The difficulties found in some Scriptures are resolved as Yahweh shines more light
into what were previously darkened areas of our understanding. These difficulties will be
addressed before the book is concluded. At this time I believe it is beneficial to continue to
lay a foundation for understanding that full reconciliation of the creation as we look at some
of the types and shadows Yahweh has given to us in His word to show forth this mystery.
As it is revealed how thoroughly the reconciliation of all things through Christ is presented
in both plain speech and through the shadows contained in Scripture, the saint will
hopefully have any lingering doubts dispelled.
When one has been steeped for a long period of time in false doctrines espousing
eternal enmity between God and His creation, and unending torments in the lake of fire,
the process of being cleansed and delivered from that which has held our minds captive
must necessarily be very thorough and patient.
When the Father first revealed to me the truth of the universality of Christ's
redemptive work I entreated Him to show me in His word some verifying testimony that
I had not heard proclaimed by another man. I wanted to be "taught by God." I asked Him
for that wisdom that James enjoins the Christian to request from our Father.
James 1:5
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and
without reproach, and it will be given to him.
My heavenly Father was pleased to answer my petition, and at once led me to consider
what is shown forth in type through an experience of our first forefather. After Adam fell
into sin, and his nakedness was made manifest, it became evident that a covering was
needed to hide mankind's shame.
Genesis 3:7-11, 21
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they
sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. And they heard the sound of
Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid
themselves from the presence of Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. Then
Yahweh God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?" So he said, "I heard Your