Page 36 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 36

To be filled with the fulness of Christ, we can have no other mind than that which He
               had. We too must die to our own will and desires that we might fulfill the will of the Father.
               In essence, we must despise our own soul's desires and will in order to live for the pleasure
               of another. Christ said no man could be His disciple unless they hate their natural life,
               unless they hate their own soul.

                 Luke 14:26
                 "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate... even his own life (psuche - soul), he cannot
                 be My disciple."

                     There is only one path that will lead a Christian to that mature image of the Son of
               God. It is the way of the cross. A man or woman must yield their entire being to be directed
               by the Spirit of Christ. They must agree to go wherever Christ leads them, and to do
               whatever He asks of them. Christ has promised ALL who walk this path that there will be
               suffering, there will be persecution, a man's enemies will be the members of his own
               household. Christ has said that no man can be His disciple who does not give up all he
               possesses. We must be emptied that Christ might fill us.
                     At this time Christ is accomplishing the work of reconciling the creation to His Father.
               Yahshua has commenced upon an orderly reconciliation. He is beginning with a small
               number that will be firstfruits unto God and Christ. These ones are embracing the suffering
               of the cross. They are yielding their lives to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These
               overcoming saints will be Christ's firstborn, attaining to the first resurrection. They will be
               preeminent among the creation. Only the firstfruits will rule and reign with Christ during
               the thousand years of His millennial kingdom. These will be participants with Christ in the
               work of reconciling the world to the Father.
                     There is a corollary truth to Christ subjecting all things to Himself. Those subjected
               to Christ must experience a perfect and complete yielding of their will and desires to
               Yahshua. Similarly, there is a parallel to Christ filling all things in that those who are filled
               must first be emptied. The more pliant, submissive, and yielding we are to Christ, the
               sooner we will make progress to maturity. Firstfruits are those who mature quickest. Of
               necessity they are the ones who die most quickly to the Adamic nature that Christ might be
               formed in them. If you would be among Christ's firstfruits, you must embrace the cross
               rather than fleeing from it.
                     An age and an hour will arrive when Christ has accomplished the work of reconciling
               all things to the Father. The Father will then be "all in all." Every creature will be restored
               to fellowship with the Father, and Christ will fill every part of those creatures. The Bible
               testifies in a multitude of places that Yahweh has chosen to save all men.

                 I Timothy 2:3-4
                 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved
                 and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

                     Christ is the Savior of ALL MEN.

                 I Timothy 4:10
                 For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God,
                 who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.
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