Page 34 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 34

Lord while harboring rebellion, resentment, and hatred toward the Son of God in their
               heart. The only way for such a confession to glorify the Father is for it to arise from a sincere
               heart expressing the truth of what is believed by the individual. Those who worship God
               must do so in Spirit and in truth.
                     The apostle conveys the same message of universal reconciliation of the creation to
               God through Christ to his Hebrew brethren.

                 Hebrews 2:8
                 For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him.

                     Christ must bring the entire creation into a full and complete subjection to the Father
               that Yahweh might be "all in all." If it were Yahweh's plan to save only part of the creation,
               then Paul would certainly have told us that at the end of Christ's reign the Father would be
               "all in some." To say Yahweh will be "all in all" is to declare that a complete reconciliation
               will take place. Nothing in the creation will be exempted.
                     Tragically, the church has come to deny not only that Christ will reconcile "all things"
               to Himself, they have adopted a very inferior view of the work of Christ in the life of each
               individual.  The  mindset  I  find  everywhere  throughout  the  church  is  that  Christ  will
               accomplish only a partial reconciliation in each life. The present conception of Christ's
               reconciliatory work could be expressed accurately by saying "God will be some in some."
                     If we say that Yahweh will be "all in all" then we are concluding that He will reconcile
               everything to Himself. Not only will all creatures be reconciled back to the Father, but there
               can be no part of any individual that has failed to come under subjection to the life and rule
               of  Christ.  Every  man  must  become  a  wholly  yielded  vessel.  There  can  be  no  sin,
               unrighteousness, or selfishness left in the heart of any person.Everyone must come to be
               a perfect and mature revelation of Christ. No darkness can remain. All must be light and life
               and truth.
                     The church today is content to fall short of such a complete reconciliation. Mankind
               likes his selfishness. He is satisfied to receive a promise of forgiveness and of heaven when
               he dies. Coming to a complete conformity to the Son of God is something that rarely enters
               the mind of Christians. If it does, such a thought is usually discarded as unrealistic, or not
               truly desirable. After all, the only way to be perfectly conformed to the image of Christ is to
               embrace the cross and die to self.
                     Nevertheless, the testimony of Scriptures and of the Holy Spirit is sure. Yahweh will
               not rest until He has brought every facet of our lives under subjection to the rule of Christ.
               We are called and destined to attain to the full and perfect character and image of the
               firstborn Son of God.

                 Ephesians 4:11-13
                 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some
                 as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the
                 building up of the body of Christ; until we ALL attain to the unity of the faith, and of the
                 knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which
                 belongs to the FULLNESS of Christ.

                     Christ must fill all things.
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