Page 28 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 28

in subjection," it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him.
                 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the
                 One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

                     We have observed in the preceding chapters that there will come an end to the reign
               of Christ. Paul says this is when Christ "hands over the kingdom to the God and Father...
               For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet." Christ's reign will have
               accomplished its purpose when there are no more enemies of God anywhere in the creation.
               "All things" will be "put in subjection" to Christ, and Christ will in turn be subjected to the
                     In this book I have challenged the saints to test every Scripture being cited to see
               whether I have wrested an interpretation that is out of context, or have erred in what is
               shared. Hopefully, you are doing this. If you are, then you will note that the passage I cited
               above is rendered differently in the popular English translations of today. The difference
               is significant, and it leads to a distinctly different conclusion.
                     It is the responsibility of the saints to "examine all things carefully." This examination
               of all things includes testing the Scriptures which have been handed to us by others to see
               if they have been translated accurately. The apostle Paul gave the following commandment
               to Timothy, and it is applicable to all who would arrive at the knowledge of the truth.

                 II Timothy 2:15
                 Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly
                 dividing the word of truth.

                     The subject of this book is one in which a man will most certainly be led astray apart
               from manifesting due diligence in applying himself to the study of the word of God. In the
               series "Divorced From Truth" I shared the following:

                 It requires patient study to rightly divide the word of God. I know Christian men who have
                 spent hundreds, and even thousands of dollars, upon some hobby. Men who are hunting,
                 fishing, automobile, stereo, ham radio, sports, and bicycling enthusiasts have often spent
                 a great deal of money, devoted great amounts of time, and educated themselves to become
                 both knowledgeable and skillful in the area of their interest. Yet these same men will often
                 argue that they are unable to manifest the same attention to the study of Scriptures.
                 People of God, we will pursue that which is important to us. Our actions reveal what is in
                 our hearts. If a man will buy a fishing boat costing thousands of dollars, a truck to pull it
                 with, equip it with rods and reels and bait and tackle, and spend the money for licenses
                 and fuel; if he will read the fishing magazines, and study where the fish are, when they are
                 feeding, what they are biting; if he will find others with similar interests and spend hours
                 conversing with them, learning new things, and increasing his knowledge and skill, but
                 will not apply the same devotion to study of the Bible, it is not because he is incapable, or
                 does not have the time or the skills necessary. It is because he does not have the desire.
                 Christ did not go down to the local seminary, or university to choose His disciples, men
                 who would later become the apostles of the church. He chose fishermen, a tax collector,
                 a political zealot, and other common men. These men traded a passion for other things
                 for a passion for knowing God. This led them to apply themselves with great devotion to
                 new interests. We read of these men:
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