Page 24 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 24
He is "all in all."
To many such thoughts appear difficult, and may be perceived as mysteries that are
too deep to plumb. However, it must be established that God will one day reconcile the
entire creation back to Himself. Seeing this truth will reveal the error of those doctrines that
declare sin, rebellion, and torment to be eternal. Neither sin, nor judgment; neither
rebellion, nor death, can continue on in perpetuity. Christ must reign UNTIL He has
subjected all things to Himself.
The day will come when the last enemy will be destroyed. Peace will reign absolute,
and the rule of Christ will be uncontested. Every created being will declare, "Surely in
Yahweh I have righteousness and strength." Yahweh has sworn by His own self that this will
be the end of all things. Nothing can stay His hand.
When all things in heaven and on earth have been reconciled to the Father through
the Son, then the cycle of creation will be complete. That which came forth from the Father
can then return to the Father. The breath of Yahweh will return to that source from which
it came. As an ocean encompassing a myriad of droplets in its vast and limitless expanse,
Yahweh will be all in all.